
Best Cut Resistant Gloves

* THE BEST CUT RESISTANT GLOVES REVIEWS OF 2020 Nobody wants to lose a finger. I worked a job for about five years that required constant interaction with knives and food, and in five years on the job I only cut myself twice. The best cut resistant gloves  How did I go so long without losing a digit? Well, I didn't have a good knife technique, if that's what your thinking. I didn't learn the claw method until long after I left that job. I didn't have very good knives either. It's much harder to accidentally cut yourself with a good, sharp knife, but I was using dollar store knives. My secret cut-proof glove, what we called cut gloves in the business. I was fortunate enough to meet the cut glove just days after my second finger slice on the job. I was doing an impression of those fancy chefs at Japanese steakhouses who throw their knives through the air and catch them. Please note, unless your chef's knife is well-balanced enough to fly through the air...